Our vocation involves extensive use of technology for productivity and promotion, and we are often tempted to relieve stress with entertainment. Over time these patterns entrench a cycle of boredom and distraction, diminishing our ability to cultivate a redemptive imagination.

Instead of having our imagination saturated by media, we seek to be transformed by the renewing of our mind.


As a baseline, we commit to establish structured limits for our use of screens and our consumption of entertainment, in quantity, frequency, and moral character.


As reach practices, many of us aspire to:

1. read Scripture at the beginning and end of the day, rather than starting and ending our day with our devices

2. immerse ourselves regularly in creation, where we can experience ourselves as small amidst God’s handiwork rather than self-important in our own work

3. regular reading of books, both fiction and nonfiction, from all eras of history, in place of ephemeral electronic media.

4. disengage from screens of all kinds on a daily, weekly, and annual basis.


We seek creative approaches to renewing our imagination, such as contemplative prayer, in-depth engagement with Scripture through techniques like lectio divina, encounters with the arts, or in-depth study of particular industries or issues in ways that help us activate our creative imagination for future action.


We hope for abundance in the form of deeper capacity for concentration and creativity, genuine rest rather than restless leisure, and more effective work and leadership.