Read it as an invitation. When we receive an invitation, we consider the person inviting us, the event or occasion to which we are invited, our own desires, and our ability to say yes or no in our current circumstances. When you consider the Praxis community, the specific postures and practices of this rule, your own needs for encouragement, growth, and discipline, and the current circumstances of your life, is this an invitation to which God wants you to say yes?


Read it with your most important partners. Share it with your closest circle of accountability and discipleship, and with members of your household who would be involved in keeping this rule with you. If you are married, share it with your spouse. Consider sharing it with your business partners.


Consider adopting the practices on a prototype basis for four weeks. At the end of that period, consider whether you would like to make them an ongoing part of your discipleship and leadership, along with an intent to explore the reach practices and seek creative approaches in each area.


Decide whether to say yes to the invitation. If you decide to say no, consider whether there are alternative commitments you believe God is calling you to make.


If you decide to say yes, we invite you to commit to practice this Rule of Life, in dialogue with at least one other person—and to review your progress on a quarterly basis.

A commitment to this Rule of Life is an intention to observe the baseline practices (while also exploring the reach practices and creative approaches), submitting ourselves to trusted others who will remind us of God’s grace when we fall short and who will lovingly exhort us to continue growing in these commitments.